
Upon her arrival at an institution for people with mental disabilities, Maria becomes fast friends with the equally fiery Dragana. When it becomes clear that they are both in love with the more withdrawn Robert, their relationship is upset and gradually grows into a dangerous game of hide-and-seek to win him over. Condemned to a lifetime of hiding away from society, the three teenagers’ profound longing for independence and human connection takes hold. Driven by their newfound feelings of desire and jealousy, their impulsive actions topple the delicate balance preserved by the institution’s stifling rules and spill over into confrontation and desperate measures to find any way out.

Set in an actual institution and featuring its young residents in their first-ever attempt at acting, Oasis takes us into a world society looks away from, in order to tell a powerful story about what it means to be alive, needed and loved, and how life will always find a way to burst through the cracks.

About the Director

Ivan Ikić (Belgrade, 1982), studied film and television directing at the Faculty of Dramatic Arts of the University of Belgrade. With his debut work Varvari, he won the Special Jury Prize at the Karlovy Festival and other prizes at international events. In 2016 he took part in the Résidence of the Cinéfondation in Cannes, where he conceived Oasis, his second feature film.

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