
Curated streaming platforms – a new opportunity for independent films?

It takes some time, and usually a relevant Vita, until you reach a consistent theatrical release as a director. Many times festivals are the only circuit where it’s possible to see independent or debut films. But the age of streaming platforms is giving filmmakers new chances to reach a wider audience – or not? Netflix and other major players are accessible only to the least of aspiring indie filmmakers. Can curated streaming platforms that work next to cinemas contribute to the visibility of newcomer and arthouse films? Is revenue sharing something you can bet on? What are the goals and strategies of these platforms and ultimately how do they reach their audience?

Filmnetwork Berlin and Visionär Film Festival Berlin invite all to a panel on curated streaming platforms and discuss with:

The event will be free of charge and held in English language.

Date: 6th April 2019, 14:00 h
Place: ACUDkino, Veteranenstraße 21, 10119 Berlin, Kino 2

Free Entrance.