¡Viva la revolución!

23 September 2020 at 15:00
Replica: 27 September 2020 at 12:00

Emperor (Kaiser)

by Jannis Alexander Kiefer | Germany | 2019, 30

‘The Emperor’s New Clothes’ in a new robe. Kaiser translates Hans Christian Andersen fairytale into a company in the 21st century. A dystopian yet colorful narrative about power, hierarchies and invisible caterpillars.

Jannis Alexander Kiefer, born in Berlin, studied “Audio-visual Media” at Beuth University of Applied Sciences Berlin and completed some Internships in Munich, Freiburg and Berlin. Since 2011 Jannis Alexander Kiefer works as a Freelancer for Camera Work, Editing and as 2nd AD. In 2016 he started studying Directing at Film University Babelsberg “Konrad Wolf” as a holder of the scholarship Deutschlandstipendium. His first-Year film Comments was selected to more than 80 festivals worldwide and won several awards, for example the Short Tiger Award by German Films. In 2019 his film Kaiser/Emperor premiered at the 53rd international Hof Film Festival.


by Robin Lochmann | Germany, Ireland | 2019, 15’

In a forgotten village, where everyone is cut from the same cloth, a new, self-proclaimed leader arrives changing the local way of life. Dividing lines are carved out as the once unified society is torn and segregated. Them is a cautionary tale of misguided ideologies, destructive leadership and of being an outsider. But most importantly, it is a film about celebrating what we have in common rather than what separates us

Robin Lochmann is an Irish/German, award winning filmmaker with over 10 years of experience. He is based in Berlin where he is creating music videos, short films, art films and other video content.

The Two of Us (Wir Zwei)

by Cosima Frei | Switzerland | 2018, 16’

A joyful reunion at the train station, a couple falls into each other’s arms. They wander through a crowded fair and try to ignore their growing distance. The encounter with a stranger who disappears without a trace, triggers  the couples simmering issues and leads the light summer evening in another direction.

Cosima is born in Zürich in 1987. During an exchange year in New Zealand she discovers her interest in filmmaking. 2012 she finishes the Bachelor studies at the Zurich University Of The Arts. Her graduation film Wo Gömmer (Where are we going) travels the festival circuit successfully, e.g. it got a nomination for the Studio Hamburg Nachwuchspreis. During two years she works as an assistant director on various feature film sets in Germany and Switzerland. 2017 Cosima leaves the ZHdK with a master degree in fiction directing with her short film ZWISCHENSTOPP (Stopover), which premiered at the Max Ophüls Preis in Germany and at the Shortfest in Palm Springs. 


by Francy Fabritz | Germany | 2019, 8’

Two women are kidnapping a dubious right-wing politcian by elegantly stealing his car. What seems like a supposedly harmless ride at first glance turns into a plan of revenge.

Francy Fabritz  was born in Dresden in 1985 and grew up in Germany and Russia. During her studies of “cultural sciences, aesthetics & applied arts” she also lived for one year in San Francisco/USA and worked in the fields of theatre and documentary film. After graduating in 2011 she moved to Berlin and has been studying at the German Film & Television Academy Berlin since 2013.


by Leandro Goddinho & Pablo Menezes | Germany, Brazil | 2019, 14’

Lolo is an openly gay 11-year-old boy trying to finally convince Max, his first love, to go public with their relationship at the school party.

Leandro Goddinhois an award-winning Brazilian filmmaker dedicated to LGBTQ+ issues. He got selected for Berlinale Talents 2018 and won more than 100 awards with his former short films. In 2015, he got selected to the German Chancellor Fellowship for Prospective Leaders sponsored by Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. He recently finished his Master in Media and Visual Anthropology at Freie Universität-Berlin holding a DAAD Scholarship. In 2019 he is realizing two short films, Lolo and Antes que seja tarde (Before it’s too late), and he is also in pre-production of his first feature film.

Paulo Menezes is a Brazilian filmmaker. He studied Film and TV production in London and after graduating he worked on various productions in Brazil and UK before deciding to direct his own stories. Currently he lives in Berlin where he studies directing at DFFB (Deutsche Film and Fernsehakademie Berlin).