
April 4, 2019 @ ACUDkino 20h

Comments casts a glance at the German digital legacy of our society and is devoted to digital words: Real commentary from YouTube is interpreted and presented afresh in different chapters.

About the Director

Jannis Alexander Kiefer, born in Berlin, studied “Audio-visual Media” at Beuth University of Applied Sciences Berlin and completed some internships in Munich, Freiburg and Berlin. His Graduation Film A Moment At Grandma’s (ein moment bei unserer großmutter) get invited to the 33. Kasseler Dokumentarfilm- und Videofest and won the Documentary Award at the 26th REC Youth Film Festival 2017 in Berlin, where he get invited as a Jury Member one year later. Since 2011 Jannis Alexander Kiefer works as a Freelancer for Camera Work, Editing and 2. Assistant Director. In 2016 he started studying “Directing” at Film University “Konrad Wolf” Potsdam-Babelsberg as a holder of the scholarship “Deutschlandstipendium”. His first-Year film Comments won the Short Tiger Award by German Films and gets distributed by the “KurzFilmAgentur” Hamburg.

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